Merlin Stitch N’ Pitch

Merlin Two Hundred Thousand Mile Shops and Stitch N’ Pitch are helping raise awareness and donations for the thousands of children served by Children’s Home + Aid. Stitch N’ Pitch and the Chicago White Sox will host “Stitch N’ Pitch fans” who love needlearts at a special White Sox baseball game. Don’t miss this quirky and fun event!

It’s the Stitch N’ Pitch baseball game with the Chicago White Sox at US Cellular Field on Saturday, June 2nd.

Tickets are $35 and order forms are at Merlin Two Hundred Thousand Mile Shops or at merlins dot com. If you can’t attend the game and would like to help, Merlin has two ways:

Visit the STITCH N’ PITCH WALL at merlins dot com. Donate one dollar and place with your name on the wall .

Service your car at Merlin on Wednesday, May 23rd and up to $50 of your purchase will go to Children’s Home + Aid.

Since 1883, Children’s Home and Aid has been saving children’s lives and helping families. Each year they provide nearly forty thousand Illinois children and families help, hope, and opportunity.

Merlin.  Helping you, and the children served by Children’s Home and Aid go farther.

To learn more about Merlin or Children’s Home + Aid, please visit or

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